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Find Meaning in Life

I’d like to focus on one of those overarching topics that can cause a great deal of overwhelm and anxiety: finding meaning in your life.

There are so many questions surrounding finding meaning in one’s life, and you’ll find equally as many answers. You can absolutely lose yourself in the “whys” of it all, but focusing less on why we are here, and more on how we can make this life meaningful allows us to focus on what’s really important to us. Our experiences, relationships, and purpose should help us to uncover meaning in our existence.

If you’re feeling stuck in this regard, here are some helpful ways to help uncover meaning in your life:

Focus on Happiness

Of course, this isn’t new advice by any means. However, it still tends to be overlooked and buried under the pressures of everyday life. Your happiness is a priority. When you focus on developing yourself and your joy, many other aspects of your life fall into place. 

Focusing on your happiness may mean going against the grain a bit. Maybe that 9-5 job that you were taught to desire isn’t the type of structure that will bring you happiness. It can be hard to admit, but getting to know yourself and what you truly want will help you make those tough decisions that will ultimately lead to the best version of yourself.

Create Impactful Connections and Relationships

Spend time with the people in your life that lift you up. These are the relationships that will allow you to feel fulfilled. Whether it be your spouse, family members or work colleague, seek out connections that make you feel energized.

After all, we are social beings. Feeling heard and understood, and providing that for others is part of what makes us human. Find your people, and other opportunities for fulfillment will fall into place.

Follow Your Talents

You were given a set of gifts and talents that make us unique. Each of us are uniquely qualified to do something in this world, and leaning into those natural gifts can help us find that. 

It goes beyond just raw talent. Think about not only what comes naturally to you, but what you enjoy doing, the areas that you feel confident in, and the things that you can utilize to help others. You may be extremely gifted in one area, but if it’s not something that you really enjoy or feel confident in sharing, then it’s likely not the talent to pursue. This again goes back to learning about what brings you happiness and what your goals are.

Set Goals for Yourself

If your intention is to uncover meaning in your life, then this will likely require some planning and intentional action. Working to align your goals with what your values and priorities will help provide a roadmap and structure that in itself will provide meaning and purpose to your actions.

Your goals can be whatever you believe will help you feel the most in touch with who you are. Some goals may be measurable, like getting a raise at work, or growing your family, while some goals may not be as clear. Spiritual and emotional objectives are often less measurable, but something as simple as writing them down, or affirming them to yourself will help you to move in the right direction.

Commit to Helping Others

One of the most fulfilling actions you can take is giving to and helping others. Sharing what you have, who you are, and what you’re good at with those in need enhances your sense of purpose and identity. As it turns out, fulfilling others can lead you to discover your own sense of purpose.

Finding an approach that fits you and your passion is the key. Of course, giving back is not transactional and your purpose for doing so shouldn’t be to find happiness and fulfillment, but it definitely can be a welcomed benefit.

Engage Your Spirituality

Digging into your spiritual side often enables you to forget your individuality and welcome your role as part of a bigger whole. This in itself can lead to a heightened sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Spirituality can help you to realize who you are and what your role is in the world. It can also help you grapple with your ego, and accept those around you more openly.  This in turn influences the way you act and interact with your world.