Support Men in Balance
Here’s what our donors helped us do in 2023:
14,000+ Men Impacted: In 2023, we reached more more than 14,000 men with our weekly newsletter, which provides critical insight and actionable guidance.
3,000+ New Men Reached: Of those 14,000+ men, more than 3,000 were brand new to our community and had not heard of us before.
300+ New Groups Seeded: Of those 3,000+ new men reached, more than 300 reached out to us because they wanted to start a Men in Balance Discussion Group in their church or religious organization.
Support Men in Balance Financially
Planned Giving
Remember us in your will or estate. You choose how you wish to proceed. You may wish to contribute appreciated stock or an annuity or some other asset. This is typically done through revision of your will. McIntosh Law Firm is handling the details for us at little or no cost to you.
Major Gift
You may wish to make a major gift now because you believe in the ministry and its work. Gifts starting at $5000 fit this category. We can add permanent recognition for some program in your memory or to honor someone of your choosing. In certain circumstances, we may be able to expand into new program areas through your gift. Call us to discuss.
Corporate Grant
Corporate gifts can range from cash grants to support a particular program to in-kind services or products. For example, you may wish to financially support our outreach to couples or minority churches. Or you may wish to provide equipment such as computers or office supplies to help the cause. Either type of help is appreciated — and needed!
Upgrade Your Giving Level
Consider your current contribution level and prayerfully consider upgrading to a higher level.
Renew your contribution
Sustainability is the goal of any non-profit mission. By authorizing annual renewal of your contribution (or responding to our annual drive), you are ensuring ongoing financial support to keep our programs available with minimum fund-raising expense.
Pledged Giving
This is your act of faith in our mission. It is not a contract, it is a promise to give as you are able on a sustained basis. There is a pledge form at the bottom of this page or you can do it online. It is easy to make a monthly credit card contribution of any amount you choose. This spreads out your expense over the year and assures Men in Balance of ongoing support to carry out program goals.
In-Kind Contribution
Goods or services contribution from your company or your personal resources (see our wish list). Always needed are technical items, printing and mailing equipment, postage or advertising space. For example, you can dedicate a portion of your advertising space to Men in Balance or lend us an administrative assistant to help with a mailing.
Program Support
Funding a specific program of Men in Balance. If you like what we are doing, you might want to take over financial support of a particular program (or help us initiate others). You could choose, for example, to underwrite the outreach to young boys, or inner city churches, or couples outings — all of which support our cause.
One-time Contribution
Any amount you wish, cash, check or credit card. Even a small contribution of $10 or $20 can help.
Other Ways to Support Men in Balance
See our wish list
When you shop with AmazonSmile, Amazon donates to Men in Balance.
Send an email to your male friends inviting them to check out the website. If you feel led to do so, suggest they help financially.
Ask your church to participate financially or by starting up a Men in Balance discussion group. Learn more about starting a discussion group.
Pray for the ministry and its goals and ask your church groups to do so.
Volunteer some time to help promote the ministry from your home or office during spare time. We can tell you how to do that.
Share our website with others.
Buy copies of our book and give it to other men or purchase a copy for your church library.