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Is there no decency?

Even if you voted for Trump, by now you (I hope) believe he has gone too far with his angry, uncalled for attacks--on women in particular. Our daughters, our wives and our mothers deserve better from the most powerful person in the free world. 

Even if his motive was to distract attention from the health care debate, even if you personally believe it is fine to strike back forcefully when you feel slighted, the events of this week are over the top in politics, not to mention human interaction. 

On June 9, 1954, after Joseph McCarthy had intimidated everyone he could with his accusations of communist affiliation--including the US Army--Boston lawyer Joseph Welch called him out in a senate hearing,"Have you no sense of decency?"

One man speaking the obvious truth started the public outcry which eventually brought McCarthy down. 

All of us should speak against the coarseness which has invaded politics, but especially the porn-peep-show that has become the President's tweets. 

Encourage the women in your life to take a stand alongside you in calling in the strongest possible terms for an end to this indecency.