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How to Raise Kids With Two Working Parents

It can be tough to balance work and family life when you're a working parent. One of the biggest challenges is balancing work and family life, especially when you're trying to juggle work deadlines and pick-up times from daycare or school. And that's not even mentioning making sure that your children have enough supervision and structure when you're not home, which can feel impossible when both parents are working long hours.

But there are ways to make it work. Here are some tips for raising kids with two working parents:

1. Communicate with your partner. Make sure you're on the same page with your partner about parenting responsibilities. Discuss how you'll divide up child-rearing duties, and make sure both of you are comfortable with the arrangement. For example,  one parent may drop off and pick up the kids from school, while the other handles bedtime routines.

2. Set aside time for your family. It's important to spend time with your kids, even if it's just a few minutes each day. Let them know that they're a priority in your life, and make time for family activities whenever you can. For example, try planning a family game night or spend an afternoon at the park together.

3. Be flexible with your work schedule. If possible, try to be flexible with your work schedule so you can better balance parenting duties. Talk to your boss about working from home or telecommuting a few days a week, or see if you can adjust your hours to better fit your family's needs.

4. Find a supportive network. It can be helpful to connect with other working parents, whether it's through a support group or online community. You can share tips, vent about challenges, and offer each other moral support.

5. Take care of yourself. Don't forget to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep are essential for managing stress and staying healthy. And it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

With some planning and effort, you can successfully balance work and family life as a working parent. By communicating with your partner, setting aside time for your family, and taking care of yourself, you can make it work.

FatherhoodJerry Hancock