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Live Your Life Like Dean Smith

How would you like to live such that your death warranted front page coverage in many newspapers? The passing of Dean Smith reminds us that the way we live our lives does matter. Headlines such as the following:

  • legacy of greatness

  •  more than a coach

  •  farewell to a giant

  •  a lifetime of excellence

  •  his compassion toward others separated him

  •  he was the standard that everyone was trying to get to

Among the things people were saying about him was that he was always a gentleman and was always trying to direct the credit to someone else instead of himself. He taught his players to do that too. Some people who asked for his autograph were surprised that he asked for theirs in return. He loved people and he seemed to always be asking about his friends' families and loved ones.

What a great legacy to leave behind. Spend a few minutes thinking about your own legacy and how people would describe you. It's a great time to make some modifications if you need to. The year is still young!

Career, MeaningJacob Ratliff