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Empathy 2.0

At my son-in-law‘s suggestion, I have been watching a lot of episodes of Longmire on Netflix. Longmire is a macho, tough sheriff in a Wyoming town. He seems to have bought the entire package of what it means to be a traditional, rugged, non-communicative man – – except for one thing. He has empathy for almost everyone who is a victim. And he expresses that empathy openly throughout the series.

Empathy has become something of a rare trait in today’s world, especially among men. Empathy can be defined as being willing to put yourself in the other person‘s place and try to feel what they are feeling. It is a magnificent way to bridge gaps between people and admit your humanity.

 Sometimes, as men it is hard for us to be vulnerable and show our softer side. But we can be empathetic without any risk of losing any masculinity. It is a powerful trait you can use in marriage, work relationships, business relationships and any human interaction. Give some thought to how you can express empathy this week to those you love. And those who need it.