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The Importance of Healthy Masculinity

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about "toxic masculinity." This term is often used to describe the negative aspects of traditional masculinity, such as aggression, extreme stoicism, and a lack of emotion. While it's important to acknowledge the problems that can be associated with these traits, it's important to remember that masculinity is not inherently toxic. In fact, there are many healthy aspects of masculinity that can and should be celebrated.

Some of the positive aspects of masculinity include strength, courage, determination, and a desire to protect and provide for those we love. These are all qualities that can be used for good in the world. When channeled in the right way, they can lead to acts of incredible kindness, bravery, and selflessness.

Unfortunately, some men feel like they have to repress their more positive masculine traits in order to conform to what society expects from them—because they've been taught that being "masculine" means being tough, emotionless, and in control at all times. More often than not, these harmful beliefs come from not only their upbringing, but also the portrayals of men and masculinity in film, television, and other popular culture.

This pattern often leads to a lot of pent-up anger and frustration, which can eventually boil over into acts of violence or other destructive (or self-destructive) behaviors. It's important for men to understand that it's okay to be masculine. We should embrace our masculinity and use it as a force for good in the world.

The importance of a healthy masculinity cannot be understated. While Toxic Masculinity is a real problem that needs to be addressed, we cannot forget about the many positive aspects of masculinity that can make the world a better place. Men should feel free to embrace their masculine side without fear of judgement or reprisal. When we do so, we can create a better world for everyone.

MeaningJerry Hancock