Why Don't You Get More Sex?
Why Don't You Get More Sex? You...
Whine about it/the lack of it (vs. talking about your needs)
Play it "cool" to see if she will initiate it (vs. initiating it lovingly without worry about rejection)
Act hurt, hoping for her to "make it right" (vs. moving on and being loving and cheerful)
Don't ask directly for what you want (vs. speaking up for yourself)
Complain about what she has done/not done lately (vs. requesting something different)
Wait till bedtime to initiate affection (vs. demonstrating affection early/late)
Answer in one word answers or grunts and groans (vs. engaging in meaningful conversation with her)
Make sex a "project" to be completed perfectly (vs. allowing it to unfold based on each other's appetite)
Skip the relaxed conversation/"I love you" kind of chat (vs. taking the time to learn about HER and HER feelings)
Yell at the kids (vs. mutually deciding on discipline)