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Our Legacy

As men, we need to think about the messages we're transmitting to our children, especially our sons. The model of masculinity that we present to them will likely be adopted pretty much undiluted (unless we are a total brute in which case they may vow they will never act like us).

For example, the way we treat their mother will likely become the way they treat their wife. If we are dismissive of her input, argue with her intuitive approaches, disregard her wishes and do what we want regardless, we are sending the message to our sons that our partner's input is not important and it is indeed manly to ignore it. Further, she may be seen as simply a barrier to getting what we want. Men tend to carry with them the attitude toward women that they saw in their fathers, so it is important to present a healthy approach to our sons. This is the only way we can begin to break the cycle of male-female misunderstanding that has existed for generations.

FatherhoodJacob Ratliff