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What if you had cancer?

This week I learned that a dear friend of mine for over 40 years has terminal cancer. That got me to thinking about what would I do if I was diagnosed with some terminal disease. What would you do?

It reminds us of our mortality and how we must plan for the welfare of our family in the event something catastrophic happens.

As we get older we learn that we are not invulnerable and that we may have put emphasis on the wrong things.

In today's interview from Men in Balance Radio you will hear Jack Stanford talk about his cancer and how he dealt with it. He was told 10 years ago that he only had a couple of months to live. Since then he has ministered to dozens of men who have been diagnosed with cancer. He calls them his cancer buddies and they have benefited greatly from hearing his experience and how he dealt with his illness with faith and grace. He talks about his conversations with God during this time.

Jack learned how to make his life meaningful in spite of the debilitating disease.