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How to Strike a Work-Life Balance

Are you struggling to find a work-life balance? Do you feel like you're always working, and never have time for yourself? If so, you're not alone. A lot of people struggle with this issue. In fact, lack of a work-life balance is the source of many disagreements among couples, primarily because it involves all aspects of your life together:

  • How much you work is often directly tied to how much money you bring home

  • Those long nights at the office often come at the expense of time spent with your spouse and children

  • Working too much can leave your spouse wondering what your priorities are

At the end of the day, though, it's a balancing act.  And it's one that you have to be intentional about. Here are some tips for striking a work-life balance:

Schedule everything - By scheduling everything, we mean your work time, your free time, and your family time. It might seem like overkill, but if you don't schedule things out, they're likely to get lost in the shuffle.

Set boundaries - This is important, and especially so if you work from home. It can be difficult to shut off work mode when your office is in your house. But it's important to set boundaries, so that you can enjoy your time outside of work without feeling guilty.

Make time for yourself - In order to be happy and balanced, you have to make time for yourself. Whether that means taking a yoga class, going for a walk, or reading a book, find something that relaxes you and make it a priority.

Make time for your family -  Just like you need time for yourself, you need time for your family. Whether it's family game night, a weekend getaway, or just sitting down for dinner together, make sure you're making time for the people who matter most to you.

Be fully present - It’s important to be physically present, and it’s just as important to switch off your work mentality when you’re spending time with your family. Showing up for family dinner is important, but really showing up means setting aside your work and focusing on being fully present.

The secret to it all, though, is consistency. It's not about working 80 hour weeks for months and then taking a week-long family vacation to the Bahamas. It's not about burning the midnight oil in the office so you can be present with your family...eventually.

It's about finding a happy medium, something you can stick with for the long haul. Start with something small that you know you can commit to regularly, such as a weekly family game night.

From there, you can start to add in other things, like scheduling a weekend getaway once a month. The key is to be consistent and to always keep your family's needs in mind.

CareerJerry Hancock