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What Have You Been Sacrificing?

Many men have never considered any option other than sacrificing personal, spiritual and family goals as they climb the ladder of success. They frequently feel they are on a treadmill that is going nowhere, but they don't know how to get off. They have lost all balance in their lives and recovering it seems virtually impossible:

  • Their spiritual balance is gone because of years of neglect

  • Their financial situation is out of kilter because they have pursued an increasingly higher standard of living sometimes at the expense of planning for retirement or college tuition

  • Their priorities are out of balance because they have compromised personal needs and rewarding experiences for career demands

  • Their time management is out of balance because they chose priorities other than maintaining close relationships.

  • Their relationships are out of balance because the people they love most are neglected while they focus on the people who can help them get ahead.

Does any of this sound like you? If so, make it a priority to work on these issues and reach out for help if needed. Don't let stress spiral out of control.